Retrieving Diversity in The Global Village
There were times when people adhered and lived by their ideas, social norms and customs. And, we started calling it 'culture'. In India, especially in the past, a foreigner would have experienced a cultural shock for every hundred miles s/he traveled. Such was the case in most of the continents. But the only downside of the diversity was that people were less open to other cultures and considered their own culture as the supreme one. There was celebration within the people of one culture but not between cultures. But what do humans do? Evolve. A human is said to be more evolved than he was a year ago or just yesterday. Thanks to the technology and globalization that made the strings that are connecting all of us stronger and making us more unified. In the process of amalgamation of cultures, we forgot the distinctiveness of each culture. What we adhere to now is totally chaotic to persons we had been as children and what we are being as adults (Refers to the people born in ...