Replenishing Your Response-Ability

This post is out of regret of not taking the opportunity. Do you wonder what opportunity it is? Is it the opportunity to earn money or gulping down the yummiest food in the town or the place you wanted to visit? No. Absolutely not. It was the opportunity to help.

Usually in India, people prefer two wheeler vehicles unlike many other countries. I rode my sister to a phone shop where I sat on my bike as she left. After wasting my energy in useless thoughts, I saw a man trying to come out of the glass door that said 'pull' from the same shop my sister had gone to. He was old. Frail. Powerless. Like typical old men he wore a dhoti and held a basic phone. However I found his face looked disheartened. I didn't know the reason. I just assumed that he didn't find the thing he came for or more likely that he didn't receive enough help; the reason I was more inclined to believe. The phone he was carrying couldn't give them more money but they could have guided him. I just wondered why the world is cynical. 

He pulled the glass door but failed to open. He put all the strength he had had. Yet, he couldn't. My heart rushed to go help him but my legs didn't cooperate to the signals. I put my legs on the ground from foot rest; yet I did not go. There was a doubt. I am not sure what doubt it was in mere helping. Finally, he opened the door all by himself while I was watching with good-for-nothing attitude. He walked away. 

Just a moment ago, I declared world was cynical while I belong to the same world. I shook my head in shame. In the world, the motive of being a human is to help the fellow person. Is it not? Don't measure it by the money you spend to help. Help is all about the little efforts that you put to make one happy; primarily yourself. Doesn't your hair stand at its edge while someone smiles at you or being grateful for the little effort you put? Adrenaline rushes into your blood and makes you sleep with heart content.

To be a hero in your mind, it starts with the first step of taking responsibility. Act in the moment before its too late. Do not doubt to take a step forward. You might think why should you while the whole world is just watching and doesn't care. You'll never know how much your actions can impact most of the people that remained watching the show. You might not know how the inspired by you people will act in the moment just like you the next time. Be that hero in your mind!


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