If Only Life Was Easier

Life was always beautiful to me and all the people around seemed nice until an incident happened and left my life in wreckage. With persistence I got over it only to get dragged down by the people again. I fought back only to lose again. I rose only to fall again. Nothing was helping. Unlike everybody who complain against the world for the doings, I indulged in myself to find faults with me and fix them up. No. That isn't helping either. Self blame isn't the solution.
                                       I had the very question since the first incident happened that turned my life upside down. 'Why doesn't the world seem to be as beautiful as it is before? Why? Did the world change or my perspective towards it did? Why is everything eventually becoming a misery that is drowning me down?' Do you have an answer? Neither do I supposing that you don't. If you do, please let me know. I couldn't figure out the solution to the misery but, some facts stuck me hard showing a bit of enlightenment.

1. As we grow older, we get more polluted.
    When we were children, yes meant yes and no meant no. Anything spelled out was at least from the heart. So don't expect the person behave as he did while he was childlike.

2. Getting matured to deal things is a myth
    Its only that, you'll be either learn to manage blows on your face or get used to it. It is the stage that we pretend we know what we are doing while we don't in actuality.

3. The hazy definition of truth
    Is your truth is somebody else's truth? Is theirs yours? We gradually lose the concept of truth, getting you ambiguous about who to believe, what to believe. The objectivity is gone. Peace of mind is gone.

4. Ah! This is how the world works
    The world is running leaving me behind. Be it right. Be it wrong. Who cares? I need to catch them up and I will follow them.

5. (Only) I am screwed
    How cool is everybody else's life? Oh dear, I am stuck up here crying oceans while nobody has got even an electron that is troubling them. I wish I had their life. Why only should I suffer? The emphasis given to the term 'only' is all enough to screw you truly. (P.S. Stop scrolling through your news-feed every hour.)

The founder of one of the most patronized religion Buddhism, Gautama Buddha said nothing is constant, neither are we. The essence is that, humans are real entities who change from time to time be it any duration. You might not be the person you were before a session of lecture. You might not be the person you were a year ago or your birth. You might not think the thought you had a moment ago valid. Such fluctuations humans tend to have. The theory seemed so legit to me and on observance I realized its true potential, which made me laugh at myself.

1. If you want to be happy, just remember that no person is the same as they were the previous moment and its no wonder they can hurt you for that moment and move happily the next moment as if nothing ever happened. If they are consistent with the process of hurting you all the time, its time to say goodbye.
2. If you want the other person to be happy, do not try to show your personality swings on them( negative ones precisely). If you yourself aren't consistent with your decision, do not express it out on the before hand. Keep it to yourself. Just because you had a personality swing in a moment, doesn't mean that you can carry it forward through your expression.

At the end of the day, being ecstatic and keeping the ones around you happy is all you can do. That is the only property that a heart can carry till and beyond the grave.



  1. I’m not sure about,
    No.1 but I’m with you on No.2
    Never express unless you’re consistent


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