Tolerance to turn conviction to your own advantage
We all have beliefs and in extreme cases we believe something so much that it becomes principle of our life; call it conviction. Bringing this concept into limelight we can say it has both pros and cons. Let us emphasize on turning it more advantageous to yourself and for this all you have to do is avoid falling into the trap of disadvantageous conviction just by demarcating and deciphering it. We are cultivated with ideologies, through experiences and the people we meet, exist in our lives. These both sources form the strong base for what you believe in and also what you strongly believe in. So we take data from this database to judge a situation, evaluate it even at times following somebody else's perspective blindly. That is fine but having conviction for a principle not of your own conscience and blindly following it, is the proof that you fell for the prey. Another major source is the mainstream ideologies of the society. For instance if your definition of being influential...