Tolerance to turn conviction to your own advantage

We all have beliefs and in extreme cases we believe something so much that it becomes principle of our life; call it conviction. Bringing this concept into limelight we can say it has both pros and cons. Let us emphasize on turning it more advantageous to yourself and for this all you have to do is avoid falling into the trap of disadvantageous conviction just by demarcating and deciphering it.

We are cultivated with ideologies, through experiences and the people we meet, exist in our lives. These both sources form the strong base for what you believe in and also what you strongly believe in. So we take data from this database to judge a situation, evaluate it even at times following somebody else's perspective blindly. That is fine but having conviction for a principle not of your own conscience and blindly following it, is the proof that you fell for the prey. Another major source is the mainstream ideologies of the society. For instance if your definition of being influential is having a band of followers on twitter and friends to the maximum limit on Facebook, you might have fell for the prey already. I would consider one to be influential if he can manage to gather a bunch of people around him in daily life sharing his views and have certain impact on them in changing their lives. It is okay to belong to the bird of less populous flock rather than sticking to a principle you didn't build for yourself.

In macro level, all this don't make any significance in daily life of any individual and you might scoff at this concept. Scrutinize it under micro level and think of it for yourself for a couple of minutes and resume with reading this article. Suppose that you love Fidel Castro or the concept of Marxism and one of your acquaintances expresses their denial with that person or concept. What do you do? You will either express your views, explain them the positive look over them or you would get upset and just yell at them. Is it because your ego is hurt? It is because you cannot accept someone who is against your idea. That is the cause for clashes between religions, regions all across the world. You expect the world to be coherent with whatever you have faith in. WORLD WAR! There happened two world wars each country aspiring to emerge as the super-power nation in the world. Each nation considered themselves to be the super-power and wanted to eliminate or suppress the nations who challenged their idea of them being the super-power. That is it. It lead to catastrophe, destruction, colossal human loss, more pollution in the environment and also fostered polluted minds. The major disasters that happened because of unfathomable reasons we consider are actually because of lack of understanding simpler human psychology.

The events are long ago over and does it even matter to consider the causes of the catastrophes of the past? It isn't over yet and it is high time to find solution to this problem. Even today, we are living by the principles of not of our own, fighting to make those principles survive,firmly putting ourselves at risk to achieve somebody else's objectives, only to foster the advantages of the community that inculcated the idea. Socially, politically there are certain communities, organizations or even an individual that inculcate an idea among the society who get convicted to it not even analyzing it and become the prey. You are just building some selfish people's business and their political/social advantage. As humans we to have conflict with someone's ideas because of immense conviction to our own. Both of the above mentioned cases are the causes of terrorism, violence, insecurity and insurgency in personal life of an individual and also internationally. One is having extreme conviction for somebody else's belief and the other is not having tolerance to consider another person's belief and questioning your own. The need of the time is to analyze your beliefs on which you build your life, personal relations and even on which you build your business, and to improve tolerance to accept diversified ideas, to change your belief system timely in accordance.

To cite for the success of this solution I can refer to U.N.O (United Nations Organization). While most of the world believed in violence, there was another part of the world which believed in non-violence, tolerance and cooperation among countries to bring up better world. The objectives of U.N.O were resented by individual country to realize their own aims until they were devastated with major loss economically, politically and on the human grounds. Then they changed their beliefs and started having tolerance for the newly proposed ideas by the U.N.O. Sometimes it is better to realize before you lose yourself for the prey. It is no holy grail to actualize control over your own belief system. Believe in accordance with your conscience. Foster them. Analyze and evaluate them timely. Change them if necessary. Incorporate someone's belief if necessary unless it is on par with selfish reason of their own. Have tolerance to consider others' beliefs. Don't depend too much on the belief system that is built by default without your conscience. Be the hero of your mind who can control his own mind for the betterment of social life around you and the world holistically.


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