
As I retrospect, there are few thoughts I started adhering to because of the tough times that had come on my path. Tough times could be different in different people's lives. It could range from your work not being recognized to being overloaded with work. Also from, almost dying to worrying about the acne that just popped up. It is rude to judge other's own pain. It could be a tiny thing to you but it is obviously something gigantic to the person experiencing it. If there was a universal way to categorize what pain is inconsiderable or what pain is excruciating, there would be no psychiatrists on this planet.

I really think that the term 'healing' is misinterpreted. To some, throwing up their whole responsibility on someone is healing and this especially happens in intimate relationships. To some, complaining or getting addicted to a thing or feeling is healing. If someone or something could heal your pain, what are you here for? It is dubious to believe that someone or something can heal you. HELL NO! This is more dangerous than surrendering yourself to the moment. The term 'healing' certainly has different definitions but you actually heal when you pick yourself up and take care of yourself as if you were a baby. Trust me, you need attention. Not somebody's. Yours. 

Okay let's assume I'm traveling from town A to some town X. I really don't know what town X is like or how to reach the destination- X. But I just kept traveling. And somewhere on the way, maybe at town E, I get hurt. I get hurt intensely. Then, I stay there to weep as much as I can so that it dissolves. I plan to stay there until I regain my strength so that I can start my journey to X. One year passes. Two years pass. And five. But, I'm still lingering at town E. What did the town E do to me? It only hurt me more. I realized this fact but yet be obstinate to stay back at E until I heal myself or somebody comes to my rescue because I get used to living at E and enjoy getting hurt more. And one fine day, as I wake up gloomily and walk through the street a beautiful truck hit me and I die. Isn't it a wonderful story? 

Let's turn it around now. I start at A and get hurt at E. I weep for a while and then take another bus/train to leave E. F and G are challenging while H and I are adventurous. At F I feel sad about what had happened at E. At G, I feel sad,however, little lesser than I did at F. At H, I forget what had happened at E and carry the lessons learnt. The roller coaster ride goes on...
Lingering around a something that hurts is to be a sleeper cell waiting to destroy himself/herself. Healing is all in your hands. Only you can do it(Let's talk about spirituality some other time). When something hurts, you give a kick start and give some momentum. Only giving momentum is a bit vexatious. Once it is achieved, it'll certainly be a smooth ride. Stagnating in a place will only make you brood over negativity. Come what may, just give yourself a little attention and keep going. You won't feel the same after a year for sure if you kept moving. There is no other secret mantra!

Be your own hero. No hero comes down to your rescue. 


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